Policymakers are on the cusp of sealing a global deal to protect nature at the landmark UN summit in Montreal in December. Through their influence on ownership and capital allocation, investors can play a critical role by supporting businesses and projects that can help restore biodiversity and put the economy on a sustainable footing.
The bulk of mainstream investments flow to incumbent economic activities that both knowingly, and inadvertently, cause environmental and social harm. In order for investors to change current practices, they need a new set of data, metrics and methods that correctly capture the impact of a business or economy on the natural world.
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Sab Pell is senior director of product marketing at Openform, where her goal is to help people unlock the power of in-person events. Prior to Openform, she led global product marketing teams. Sab Pell is senior director of product marketing at Openform, where her goal is to help people unlock the power of in-person events. Prior to Openform, she led global product marketing teams.